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November Newsletter

Dear Paddocks Residents,

This letter is to inform you of the current events that are happening within the Paddocks. We recently had an HOA meeting on 11/06/2022 in which we went over the following…

We have an operational website. Please visit for further updates that will be posted regularly. In order to access the ‘Resident’ portion of the website, you must register. We encourage all residents to do this in order to have full access to all HOA information.

Our HOA treasurer has completed an initial audit of the HOA finances. There is currently $47,255.10 of total disbursements since 2013 from the HOA bank account that is in question. If you are interested in more information concerning this, please reach out to Gil at:

As of 11/05/2022 we have $4,592.61 available funds within the HOA bank account.

Currently we are actively researching and lobbying to try to get the fire-hydrants and egresses into the development so that our subdivision comply with Wyoming Fire Code. This is a very fluid process and we will try to keep you all updated to the best of our abilities.

We are requesting that all eligible residents vote on the matter of adopting the new HOA covenants that we will be bringing around for signature. If these covenants are voted in, this will give us further leverage for opening the closed gates at Post Road and Traverse Road. The proposed changes to the covenants will also relieve some of the current restrictions.

New members to the Architectural Committee have taken their roles. Included in this committee are Jan Moser, Ethan Riegel, and Ken Eldridge. If you’re looking to build or make improvements to your property, please contact any of these members at for review. Jerry Peterson has been removed from the committee due to being ineligible according to the bylaws, as he is not a resident property owner in the Paddocks. Furthermore, John Evans did not request to maintain his position on this board, so he is no longer involved unless he requests to be reinstated.

On November 8, 2022 property owners/homeowners voted to elect two new officers to the Improvement District. Once appointed by the County, the Improvement District officers will establish their bylaws and will need to work with the HOA to create a formal HOA-Improvement District Maintenance Declaration that will be filed with the County. Once these essential tasks are completed, we will be able to start making progress on improvements within the HOA, such as grading the road. Initially, we will rent the necessary equipment and a community member has volunteered his time to get this done.

HOA fees can be paid online through Quickbooks with a 1.5% fee (total payment incl. fee is $223.81); or written checks in the amount of $220.50 mailed to the HOA are acceptable.

Lastly, we urge all residents to take an interest in attending public meetings in regards to the Paddocks. We are trying to have our collective voice heard in order to make our neighborhood safer.

Please do not hesitate to contact any of your board members with any questions or concerns. We can be reached at We are here to help you and our neighborhood to the best of our abilities.


The Paddocks HOA Board

Jennifer Christenson, President

Gilbert Tso, Treasurer

Hannah Deardorff, Secretary

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